Senator Culver E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • PA Legislature Passes Budget
  • Join Me at Two Upcoming Events
  • Damaged License Plate Replacement Event Helped Local Drivers
  • Veterans Assistance Hours at Mount Carmel Office
  • Air Quality Monitors Installed in Wilburton Amidst Active Coal Bank Fire
  • New Mobile Food Pantry Will Serve Local Families
  • Program Connecting Veterans with Benefits Receives Senate Approval
  • Senate Votes to Expand Authority of Hospice Licensed Practical Nurses
  • Online Dashboard Shows Tick Hot Spots
  • Promoting Safe Driving Habits

PA Legislature Passes Budget

Last night, the Legislature approved the 2024-25 state budget that includes no new taxes, boosts economic development and job opportunities for state residents, and addresses the economic and demographic challenges the state faces in the years ahead.

The budget adds $740 million to the state’s Rainy Day Fund – a key priority of Senate Republicans to prevent painful tax hikes or service cuts in the future.

Also include in the budget are key measures to boost the economy by removing barriers for businesses to relocate to or expand in Pennsylvania: a continuation of the Corporate Net Income Tax phase-out and the elimination of the Start-Up Penalty.

Lawmakers also addressed the persistent problem of permitting delays that have chased jobs and investment to other states. A new Streamlining Permits for Economic Expansion and Development (SPEED) Program will be created to establish permit review timelines by the Department of Environmental Protection and conservation districts. Additionally, a new permit tracking system will be implemented, and applicants will now have the option for third-party review of air, earth disturbance and water permit applications.

Significant resources are included to empower parents and families to make the best decisions regarding the educational needs of their children. Learn more about education funding and other budget highlights.

Join Me at Two Upcoming Events

You’re invited to join me at an upcoming damaged license plate replacement event and a coffee and conversation event I have scheduled in our district. Click on the event names to view a flyer with more details.

Damaged License Plate Replacement Event
Thursday, July 18, 2-4 p.m.
Bloomsburg High School Overflow Lot
West Fort McClure Boulevard between Railroad Street and Sand Street, Bloomsburg
R.S.V.P. by visiting or calling 570-784-3464.

Coffee & Conversation 
Thursday, July 18, 10-11 a.m.
Woody’s Diner
311 Main St, Catawissa
R.S.V.P. by calling 570-784-3464 or by emailing

I hope to see you at one of these upcoming events in our district.

Damaged License Plate Replacement Event Helped Local Drivers

Thank you to everyone who came to the damaged license plate replacement event I recently hosted with state Rep. JoAnne Stehr. We were able to replace more than 30 license plates with the help of the Shamokin Police Department and the Coal Township Police Department.

Veterans Assistance Hours at Mount Carmel Office

Local veterans or their families are invited to schedule appointments to meet with an American Legion officer at our Mount Carmel district office on Friday, July 19 for help applying for programs, services and benefits.

There are many programs and services available to help Pennsylvania military veterans and their families. This is an excellent opportunity for veterans to learn about their benefits and determine their eligibility.

American Legion Department Service Officer Bill McGovern will be at our office on July 19 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Veterans or their family members can call our Mount Carmel office at 570-339-5937 to schedule an appointment.

Our office hosts veterans assistance hours with McGovern at the same time on the third Friday of each month.

We appreciate everything our veterans have done to protect and defend our nation. We want to help our veterans access every benefit they earned through their service to our country.

Our Mount Carmel office is located at 10934 State Route 61.

Air Quality Monitors Installed in Wilburton Amidst Active Coal Bank Fire

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) visited Wilburton Tuesday to install air quality control monitors to measure any concentration of contaminants in the air during the ongoing efforts to extinguish the nearby coal bank fire.

EPA has been working with me, my staff and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to ensure safety concerns are being addressed.

The air quality monitors are designed to test the levels of carbon monoxide and other smoke contaminants that can cause harm to residents. DEP required the mine operator to take daily air quality tests for carbon monoxide levels and administered its testing in Wilburton No. 2. Efforts to extinguish the coal bank fire in Wilburton are ongoing and are reported to be making positive progress.

Learn more about these ongoing efforts by reading the rest of this article on my website.

New Mobile Food Pantry Will Serve Local Families

Thank you to GIANT, Geisinger and Central Susquehanna Opportunities Inc. for teaming up to create a new mobile food pantry in the Central Susquehanna Valley. This collaboration will serve individuals facing food insecurity living in the region by providing fresh and nutritious food.

Program Connecting Veterans with Benefits Receives Senate Approval

This week, the Legislature approved legislation to establish in law the PA VETConnect program to help Pennsylvania veterans access programs, services and benefits in their communities.

Senate Bill 447 would establish in law the PA VETConnect program, which is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and helps the commonwealth’s more than 700,000 veterans access services in their communities.

The database of resources enables local veteran advocates – including staff at county veterans affairs offices – to point veterans to information, resources, programs and services in their area and across the commonwealth.

Senate Votes to Expand Authority of Hospice Licensed Practical Nurses

Senate Bill 1080, which I sponsored, was unanimously approved by the Senate to enable licensed practical nurses (LPNs) working in a hospice setting to make death pronouncements, saving money and limiting unnecessary emotional distress for the patient’s family.

Pennsylvania law currently allows registered nurses (RNs), medical doctors, physician assistants and coroners to make death pronouncements.

Many hospice facilities across Pennsylvania face workforce shortages. Giving LPNs the authority to make death pronouncements can help hospice facilities address their staffing issues.

Online Dashboard Shows Tick Hot Spots

Tick season is in full swing, but there are ways to continue to enjoy the many benefits of the Great Outdoors while minimizing the risk of contracting a tickborne disease. Pennsylvanians should take precautions every time they spend time outside as the state leads the nation in the number of Lyme disease cases.

A new Pennsylvania Department of Health online dashboard shows where ticks are prevalent and the latest data on tickborne disease activity, such as Lyme disease.

Tick bites can be limited using preventative measures. Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin. Use Environmental Protection Agency-registered insect repellents. Walk in the center of trails and avoid wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter. When returning indoors, check your clothing, gear and pets for ticks. Shower within two hours and check your body using a full-length mirror.

Promoting Safe Driving Habits

Recognizing this week as Operation Safe Driver Week, which aims to reduce driving behaviors, here are some helpful tips so we can all enjoy the roadways safely.

Speeding has been a factor in more than a quarter of crash deaths since 2008. Nearly half of passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2019 were not wearing seatbelts.

Distracted driving is another behavior that puts people at risk. The AAA Traffic Safety Culture Index revealed that 88% of drivers believe distracted driving has outpaced all other traffic-related issues as a growing safety concern. In June, the Senate passed legislation, now law, limiting the use of handheld cellular and other devices while driving.


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