Senator Culver E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Some PA Kids Just Need a BOOST!
  • Join Me for Coffee and Conversation
  • Veterans Assistance Hours at Mount Carmel Office
  • Agriculture Awareness Day this Saturday
  • April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • Bloomsburg Municipal Airport Serves Our Region
  • License Plate Replacement Event was a Success
  • Court Ruling Helps to Safeguard Elections
  • Survey: How Did PennDOT Do This Winter?
  • Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Eggs, Support PA Agriculture
  • PA Broadband Development Authority Unveils Improved Website
  • Mobile Van Connects Veterans with Important Services, Programs
  • Honoring Sacrifice on Gold Star Spouses Day

Some PA Kids Just Need a BOOST!

This week, I held a news conference with Lt. Gov. Austin Davis at the Milton YMCA to promote the Building Opportunity Through Out-of-School Time (BOOST) program, an initiative to support before-school, after-school and summer programs for children in Pennsylvania.

Investing in our children’s education is about more than just securing funds for in-class instruction. It is about investing in quality before- and after-school programs like those available at Milton YMCA.

I have introduced Senate Bill 789 in the state Senate, which would invest in quality before- and after-school programs as well as summer programs to help more students learn and grow outside of traditional school hours. We know this is a wise investment because research shows every dollar invested in out-of-school time programs produces $6.69 in savings for Pennsylvania through reduced crime, delinquency and other social problems.

These programs also give parents the peace of mind knowing their children are safe and learning during those key hours outside school while the parents are still at work earning a living.

Following the news conference, I had an opportunity to interview Nathan Brant from the State Alliance of YMCAs about the importance of out-of-school programs and the options provided by YMCAs.

Newsradio 1070 WKOK attended the news conference and produced this article about the BOOST initiative.

I look forward to working with Lt. Gov. Davis and my colleagues in the General Assembly to develop bipartisan support for the BOOST program.

Join Me for Coffee and Conversation

There’s still time to R.S.V.P. for the upcoming Coffee and Conversation event I am hosting with Rep. Mike Cabell on April 11 in Salem Township.

Coffee and Conversation events are an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and ideas about state government in a casual setting with light refreshments.

Salem Township Coffee and Conversation
Thursday, April 11, 9-10 a.m.
Salem Township Building
38 Bombay Lane, Berwick
R.S.V.P. by April 8 by emailing Terri Campbell or calling 570-743-1918.

Look in future editions of this email newsletter and follow me on Facebook to learn about more upcoming events as we schedule them.

Veterans Assistance Hours at Mount Carmel Office

Local veterans or their families are invited to schedule appointments to meet with an American Legion officer at our Mount Carmel district office on Friday, April 19 for help applying for programs, services and benefits.

There are many programs and services available to help Pennsylvania military veterans and their families. This is an excellent opportunity for veterans to learn about their benefits and determine their eligibility.

American Legion Department Service Officer Bill McGovern will be at our office on April 19, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Veterans or their family members can call our Mount Carmel office at 570-339-5937 to schedule an appointment.

Our office will host veterans assistance hours with McGovern at the same time on the third Friday of each month.

We appreciate everything our veterans have done to protect and defend our nation. We want to help our veterans access every benefit they earned through their service to our country.

Our Mount Carmel office is located at 10934 State Route 61.

Agriculture Awareness Day this Saturday

Agriculture Awareness Day will take place Saturday, April 6, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Industrial Arts Building at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. More than 30 interactive, hands-on and educational exhibits will be available and the event is free to attend. Learn more by visiting the Columbia Montour Visitors Bureau website.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment where they can thrive and fulfill their potential, but unfortunately, that is not always the reality.

The Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance this week held its annual Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Awards to remember the children harmed and those who have lost their lives to abuse and to recognize Pennsylvanians who have tirelessly worked to prevent abuse and improve the lives of children across the commonwealth.

Together, let’s be the guardians of childhood, the protectors of innocence and the advocates for change. Let’s offer support, empathy and hope to those affected by abuse, and let’s work tirelessly to create a world where every child is safe, cherished and loved.

Bloomsburg Municipal Airport Serves Our Region

I toured the Bloomsburg Municipal Airport this week with my colleagues, state Rep. Robert Leadbeter and James May from Congressman Dan Meuser’s Office. The airport has been a part of our community for more than 70 years and was used to train pilots during World War II. The airport now offers a variety of programs to the community, including the Young Eagles program, which flies more than 200 children per year.

License Plate Replacement Event was a Success

Thank you to everyone who joined state Rep. Mike Cabell and me for our license plate replacement event this week in Salem Township. We were able to replace more than 50 worn license plates for motorists. Special thanks to the Salem Police Department for helping our participants.

Court Ruling Helps to Safeguard Elections

The safeguarding of elections in Pennsylvania was boosted by the Third Circuit Court’s recent ruling upholding current Pennsylvania law, requiring voters to date a mail-in ballot for it to be accepted.

Many voters, election officials and good government advocates feel preserving election integrity must be a priority. The first step toward that goal is upholding laws that are already in place. While this may seem obvious, in recent elections some counties accepted and counted undated ballots – despite the state law prohibiting that action.

Applying the election law uniformly across all 67 counties is a significant step forward in the effort to protect the integrity of our electoral process. Senate Republicans will continue to work to protect Pennsylvanians’ constitutional right to free and fair elections.

Survey: How Did PennDOT Do This Winter?

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is offering a short survey so motorists can offer their feedback on the winter services PennDOT provided.

By filling out the short survey, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts about where you get information about road conditions, how soon you can expect roads to be safe to travel following a winter storm event and what features you would find useful from

There is also an opportunity to share additional comments. The survey can be completed anonymously.

Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Eggs, Support PA Agriculture

Spotted lanternflies are an invasive pest that could damage the state’s grape and wine industries, as well as other types of agriculture.

This time of year, Pennsylvanians can take an important step to control the spotted lanternfly population. While most adult spotted lanternflies have frozen to death, their eggs can survive over the winter. A single egg mass holds 30 to 50 eggs.

The egg masses – which can commonly be found on trees, rocks and equipment stored outdoors – should be scraped into a bag of hand sanitizer. Learn what the egg masses look like during various stages and find more information about how to destroy them here.

PA Broadband Development Authority Unveils New Website

The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) launched a new website aimed at offering visitors a more intuitive experience.

New features include a navigation panel for locating information; quick links to hot topic resources; real-time data on unserved/underserved locations, projects awarded and funding allocated; and resources that are specifically tailored for various audiences.

Created by the General Assembly, the mission of the PBDA is to expand access to high-speed internet. The authority is accepting applications until April 20 from community anchor institutions and units of local government to fund community projects that enable public work, education and health monitoring.

Mobile Van Connects Veterans with Important Services, Programs

Pennsylvania is home to more than 700,000 veterans and their family members. With such a significant veteran population, the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) works hard to connect veterans and their families with the services and programs available to them.

One way the agency can meet and assist veterans in the communities they live is through one of its two mobile veterans outreach vans. They travel throughout the state to assist veterans in obtaining information and initiating benefit claim paperwork with the assistance of DMVA accredited veteran service officers.

Request a van for a community event such as a sporting event, county fair, parade or festival. The form should be submitted six months but not less than 45 days prior to the event. Requests with less than a 30-day turnaround will be handled on a space available basis only.

Honoring Sacrifice on Gold Star Spouses Day

Friday, April 5, is Gold Star Spouses Day – a day when we pause to reflect on the incredible loss felt by men and women who have lost their partners in the line of duty.

It was first recognized in 2010 as Gold Star Wives Day. Later, it was updated to include any surviving spouse of any person of the United States military who died while a member of the armed forces of our country or who died after such service as a result of an injury or disability incurred during such service.


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